【摘要】 目的評價動態(tài)檢測降鈣素原對食管癌微創(chuàng)術后感染的早期診斷價值。方法選擇我院胸外科2015年6月至2016年6月食管癌微創(chuàng)手術患者68例為觀察對象(觀察組),同期健康體檢患者30例為健康組;分別檢測實驗組術后第1、2、3、5天的靜脈血PCT值,其中10例發(fā)生感染,歸為感染組,余58例為未感染組。比較感染組、未感染組及健康組三組的PCT值。結果術后第1天感染組、未感染組PCT較健康組升高(P<0.05),感染組和未感染組無統(tǒng)計學差異:術后第2天感染組較未感染組PCT升高(P<0.05),術后第3天及第5天感染組較未感染組PCT有顯著升高(P
Value of dynamic detection of PCT on early diagnosis of infection after nmumally invasiveesophagectomy ZHANC Men,g, JIN Xiaoyan., TANG Yon,g. Departmen,t of Comprehensive, Sun. Yatsen, Memorial Hospital of Sun, YaL-sen, Un,iversity, Guan,gzhou 510260, Chin,a. Correspon,din,g author:TA NG Yong,tan,gyon,g8888@hotmcu:l.com
[Abstract]ob[x]jective To evaluate the value of dynamic detection of procalcitonin (PCT) in early diagnosis of infection after minimally invasive esophagectomy. Methods Sixty-eight patients as a observation group who underwent minimally invasive esophagectomy in department of cerebral surgery of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital between June 2015 to June 2016 and 30 cases of normal physical examination as healthy group over the same period were enrolled in this retrospective study.PCT in blood of the patients undergoing surgery were detected on the first, second, third and fifth day after the surgery.Infection occurred in 10 patients out of the group, which were divided into an observation group and the others were divided into a control group. Differences of PCT among the three groups were statistically analyzed using SPSS 12.0 software package. Results On the first day after operation,PCT in the observation group and control group was higher than the healthy group, which showed statistical difference (P<0.05), but it has no statistical difference between observation group and control group. On the second day, the PCT of the observation group was higher than control group,which showed statistical difference (P<0.05). And on the third and the fifth day, the PCT of the observation group was higher significantly than control group, which showed statistical difference (P<0.01). Between the control group and healthy group, there was statistical difference on the first and second day after operation(P<0.05), but it has no statistical difference on the third and fifth day after operation. Conclusion A dynamic detection of PCT is value to the early diagnosis of infection after minimally invasive esophagectomy.When PCT is more than 2.06 p.g/ml on the second day after operation, the patient may be infected by bacteria. We should start the contrapuntal treatment as early as possible.
[Key words] Minimally invasive esophagectomy; Infection; Procalcitonin; Dynamic detection
近幾年隨著食管癌微創(chuàng)技術的推廣和普及,術后感染雖較前減少,但因食管為污染切口、患者多為高齡、且傷口疼痛、膈肌損傷導致患者不敢咳嗽咳痰等因素,術后發(fā)生感染率仍居高不下,目前仍是食管癌圍手術期并發(fā)癥死亡的主要原因之一[1]。大量研究[2,3]表明降鈣素原( procalcitionin,PCT)能準確及敏捷地反映機體的細菌感染狀態(tài)。而Castelli等[4]發(fā)現,PCT在外科手術、尤其是食管術后1—3天可因無菌性系統(tǒng)炎性反應綜合征升高,但通常在2—3μg/mL,且會迅速降至正常;但Reith等[s]研究又提示,如在外科術后第1或第2天PCT值超過1.5μg/mL,則提示有繼發(fā)感染的可能。這兩個區(qū)間的交錯重疊使得臨床醫(yī)生無法確定食管微創(chuàng)術后PCT為多高時應該立即啟動治療性的抗感染方案。我們試圖通過研究68例食管癌微創(chuàng)術后PCT的動態(tài)值,找到一個敏感性和特異性均較滿意的閾值,能提示臨床醫(yī)生盡早開始對食管癌微創(chuàng)術后的患者實施有針對性的抗感染治療,則可能減少術后感染的死亡率,提高手術的療效,改善患者的預后。
1.1 研究對象及實驗分組
患者實施食管癌微創(chuàng)手術治療,手術方式均為胸腹腔鏡聯合食管胃部分切除、胸腹腔二野淋巴結清掃、食管胃頸部吻合。圍手術期遵循我國2004年頒布的《抗菌藥物臨床應用指導原則》常規(guī)應用同一類抗菌藥物預防感染治療。在術后第1、2、3、5天分別采取靜脈血3 mL送檢。采用免疫層析法檢測PCT。檢測儀器為武漢明德生物科技股份有限公司的免疫定量分析儀,型號QMT8000。試劑盒為武漢明德生物科技股份有限公司的降鈣素原檢測試劑盒。
所有統(tǒng)計數據均采用SPSS 12.0軟件包統(tǒng)計分析各組別間的差異性。檢測結果計量資料以均數±標準差表示,組間比較采用t檢驗,P<0.05為差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。